Below is copied from reflections in her own hand:
These Things I Love
Reba Dickerson-Hill
The look of wonder in children’s eyes
The color of the evening skies
The music of well-spoken words- of poetry-of prose by Shakespeare, Schweitzer, Basho, Dharma- Poe
The sound of water over stones-
Storm Clouds gathering in the west as sunshine bathes all in the east give the world an eerie glow and makes me want to paint it so!
The faces of people of every hue
The noble deeds the humble do
The sounds of oboe, flute, guitar-
Of Bach, Corelli, De Bussey, Brahms, Villa-Lobos, Puccini, Greig, Saint-Saens, Sinatra, Anderson, Fitzgerald 7 Robin-Hood Dell; Bernstein, Ormandy, and Nina Simon,
Flamenco, Haiku, Omar, Gibran
Tall pine trees framed against the sky
Small stones, and leaves, and shells
Scents of flowers, Spring earth and baby breath- fine tobacco smoke from a man’s aged pipe
The gentle touch of a special hand…